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Greyson Beal


Greyson Beal is a humble young man from Kennesaw, Georgia looking to make a name for himself in skateboarding. He first learned of this magical world through his older brother, whose broken arm led to his last day of skating, and Greyson’s first. Knowing the consequences of failure, Greyson took his brother’s board and pushed on, falling in love with the escape from reality that a skateboard provides. As his skills developed, so did the support of his mother Nina, who always made sure Greyson was present at top-am contests around the USA. Now a young adult, Greyson has developed an admired style influenced by some of his favorites such as Ishod Wair and Louie Lopez. Add in support from brands like Element and Nike SB, and he is ready to take himself to the next level. Like most guys his age, Greyson likes to unwind by hanging out with his friends and playing video games, possibly with some Tame Impala jamming in the background.

Element, Spitfire, Thunder, Mob, Glassy, Kennesaw Skatepark, Medwell CBD

Age 24 from Kennesaw, GA, USA




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