Everything about Ish Cepeda is awesome. The way he looks. The way he dresses. His aura exudes coolness. And the way he catches his flip tricks shows a deep mastery and genuine love for the act of skateboarding. Originally from Palm Bay, Florida, Ish is at the forefront of the current wave of superstars hailing from the Sunshine State. Now residing in Los Angeles, California, Ish really started to get noticed after appearing in Thrasher Magazine’s 2019 Am Scramble. Two years later he was elevated to pro status by April Skateboards and DC Shoes. Growing up near NASA’s headquarters, Ish has always been interested in space. That is probably why his new clothing line and accompanying video series is called Gas Giants, a clever homage to our vast solar system. When Ish isn’t skating, he enjoys basketball and going to the movies, possibly with some Chick-Fil-A hidden in his back pocket.
Instagram: @ishcepeda
Age: 30
Sponsors: April Skateboards, DC, Thunder, Spitfire, Shake Junt